Welcome to a Tour of My Studio!

Welcome to a Tour of My Studio!

This year I got a new studio and it's wonderful. Welcome to my creative space!

So...my kids are technically grown up (18 and 23), but they're both still in school and at home so we did some shuffling around this year and moved our daughter, the oldest into the basement while she's in grad school. My son, a senior in high school, got her room and I moved my studio from the dungeon, I mean, basement, into my son's old bedroom. :) 

My basement studio wasn't anything fancy and desperately lacked light so my husband helped me design a much nicer space and this room has tons of light. This was all DIY. Here's what we did.

  • First stage, walls painted, floor's in, cabinets are painted.

  • We tore up carpet and installed this new floor and I painted walls and unfinished cabinets. My husband made the desk top and I bravely stained it aqua and I love it. One of my favorite paintings, an acrylic throw painting I made with my best friends (artists of course), was inspiration, but I didn't have to buy anything new because all of my favorite things matched. Yay!

  • My kitties approve! (Can you find the second black kitty above?) :)

  • I'm supposed to share this side with my husband but I'm afraid I've sort of taken over.

  • I love this pencil holder my son made in middle school and my new air plant figurine.

I'm so glad I took pictures for you when it was finished because- 

CREATIVITY IS MESSY and it doesn't look this polished at the moment

That's my story and I'm stickin' to it.

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