New Hunting Dog Paintings

New Hunting Dog Paintings

Last Fall I painted a black Lab that had belonged to a friend of my husband.  I titled it Loyal and it has become a hit in my Etsy shop. Last month another customer asked me to paint three hunting dogs for her son's nursery. And so I have fallen into a new collection that I'm really enjoying. 

There are a total of four new prints featuring black and yellow Labrador retrievers with ducks or pheasants, and I attempted to capture that unconditional love that dogs feel for their owners. 

Early in our marriage my husband adopted a two year old German shorthaired Pointer, named Blaze, that he spent many hours hunting ducks and pheasants with. He wasn't a house pet so I didn't spend a lot of time with him, but he sure did love my husband! I wish I had taken more pictures.


I'm absolutely in love with the artwork ~ Chynna, Etsy 2023



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